Austin and Logan have been moaning for weeks about
some PowerRanger SpinSword they want.
It just so happens to cost $15!
Which is about $14 over our
"We'll buy it for you just because" budget
we may occasionally spend on the boys.
It's even about $6 over Nonnie's
"I'll buy it for you cuz I love you" splurge purchases.
So, after exhausting the list of household chores:
dishes, extra cleaning
and some yardwork:
picking up acorns, bagging leaves
And one entire day spent "being good boys for Nonnie."
They've got about $5.00 each.
Yet - they have not forgotten how badly they want that SpinSword.
After being told, once again, that
they don't have enough money to buy it yet,
They came up with a solution:
"Mommy, can we PLEEZE sell Lemon-lade? Puh-LEEZE?"
Great concept, boys!
But they picked a cold, windy day
at about 3:00pm -
So, not a lot of traffic.
Between Mommy and their best friend neighbor, Sarah -
they each earned another $1!
A++ for effort!
And with their drive and determination,
I have a feeling that SpinSword will be making a presence in my house real soon!