The Mall Bunny..some say scary, some say fun. Austin and Logan, last year, were petrified of the bunny!!
Nonnie lives right next to a mall and awhile back mentioned the bunny would be coming. Every time we went to the mall after that, they would ask a little hesitantly if the bunny was there.
One night, I had to quickly run in and exchange a pair of shoes before we went on a family outing. And we suddenly discovered the bunny. From the balcony, we waived to the bunny. He waved back. It was love!
On Palm Sunday, Nonnie and I took the boys to have their picture with the bunny. Just like we did with our Santa pictures, we practiced beforehand. From the 2nd floor of the mall, they waived to the bunny again, but told Nonnie the bunny looked sad.
Then, it was time to go get our pictures! The boys shook the Bunny's hand. Gave him high five, and even tickled his knees to make him happier. Austin popped right on up to sit with the bunny, but Logan refused to sit alone and kept tugging at me to sit, too.
As I was paying for the picture, Logan grabbed my hand and squeezed it and said , "Mommy - I want to try this again." So 'round we went again to see the bunny and this time, they sat by themselves.

Safely hugging the outside of the bench, but with the bunny all by themselves.
(On a side note, we went back to see the bunny the Saturday before Easter and good Lord!! They attacked the bunny with love! Sat with him, squeezed his side. But two overpriced bunny pictures were enough! lol And don't you agree - doesn't that bunny look sad?)