Okay - no more catch up! Here we are in the present (all grown up!).
These are two of my most favorite pictures. Austin climbed up on our neighbors bike and Logan decided to "hitch" a ride on the back! And this is them "Giving Kisses" while playing on the deck last week.
We are so thrilled to have happy, healthy and growing boys - but boy, those few months between babyhood and toddler days just flew by us! It seems everyday they are doing something new, making a great big discovery and amazing us in so many different ways.
And I've been extra weepy, wondering if this is just how its always going to be. When I think back to the days of waiting for them, many times wondering if they were ever going to make it home into my arms, I'm just overcome with gratitude to God for blessing us to incredibly.
I tuck them in at night and still marvel that they're actually here and that they'll still be here in the morning. They now run to me all the time with big grins on their faces saying, "Mama, My mama, my mamma!" - if that don't bring a girl to her knees! I get kisses through out the day for no reason and I get to chase two little boys around and around for giggles and fun all day long. I'm livin' a dream!
And maybe I'm so emotional because of Guatemala 5000 - many of you are fellow adoptive parents, but those who check in here for updates on the twins, you can read (and DO something) about Guatemala 5000 here; http://www.jcics.org/. The president of Guatemala is stating that he will not let any adoptions be completed after Jan 1, 2008. This includes all those IN PROCESS!!
Please, please pray for these babies and children and their families. Pray for all of those involved to have soft hearts that focus on the well being of the children and let them come home!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
They're all grown up!
Posted by Donna at 11:28 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
A Day at the Pool!
I'm still updating/catching up with my photos. Boy, who knew twins would keep me so busy! Ha ha!
Posted by Donna at 5:18 PM 2 comments
Thursday, September 20, 2007
A Glorious Day!!
Okay - August 26th, their baptism! What a teary-eyed wonderful event! Such a journey, and we had come full circle. It all started with God and a prayer - to bring us our child. And here we finally were, presenting our childREN (God is generous!!) before Him and dedicating them to a life of knowing and honoring Him...what a moment! I cried the whole time, couldn't stop. But not a picture, not a single one of the actual event. Lots of witnesses to recount the story to Austin and Logan, though - their Godparents, my brother and sister-in-law (Mitch and Patsy), the rest of my family, our whole church, and some new Guatemalan friends, too.

Posted by Donna at 6:24 PM 4 comments
Monday, September 17, 2007
Just livin' life...
I'm still playing catch-up, here are some pictures from mid-August. Austin LOVES talking on the telephone. We actually call Grandma and he babbles forever to her...So much to say...(and he's wearing his Team Guatemala shirt that his brothers brought back from Guatemala on their summer mission trip). Evan put Logan is this carry out back and he LOVED it!! And I LOVE that smile!
We were having a lazy summer day and Austin and Logan woke up from their naps. Mason and Evan got to them before I could and they all went went to cuddling. When I came into the room, this is what all four of my boys were doing, snuggling!
Posted by Donna at 9:24 PM 1 comments
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Previous blog header
I have since updated the blog, but I wanted to keep what I wrote:
The day we saw you, we knew in an instant that you were ours. We couldn’t hold you, but our hearts melted every time we looked at you. Dreaming of you nightly, praying for you daily, and holding you in our hearts constantly until we can hold you in our arms forever!
Posted by Donna at 11:01 PM 0 comments
As promised....
If you've noticed the labeled shirts they are for Grandma and/or for other people. Grandma has ordered about 5 sets of shirts with their names on them and it seems everybody is very appreciative! We can tell them apart very easily. Which is amazing because I have never been able to tell twins a part.
Okay, some more pics....
Notice how their shorts drag the ground....these pictures were taken about 4 weeks ago....wait 'til you seem them now!! They've grown 4 inches!!
Posted by Donna at 5:54 PM 2 comments