While doing some "spring" cleaning, we came across Austin and Logan's baby carriers that we used extensively in Guatemala and then when they first came home.
I bought the material off of E-bay and had it shipped to another woman on E-bay who made them just for us. They were so comfortable and used to keep Austin and Logan so close, right up to my chest - right near my heart and under my chin.
I remembered they were advertised as holding up to 40 or 50 lbs...so...I just had to try... Believe it or not, it was pretty comfortable carrying them. Or rather, at least not painful. ;-)
I can't bring myself to sell them, so up they'll go with the other "valuable" and precious (too few) items from Austin and Logan's babyhood.
Of course, now that they've seen them and been carried in them, guess who asked to be "carried like Mama's babies" for a week!?
a week? Uummm, good luck with that. I see a chiropractor in your future.
That's fun. I still use the carriers with both of mine when they get super crabby or tired when we are out. Love the fabric...so pretty.
Those are certainly something that should be saved. They are gorgeous!!
HA!! I still carry Reese in the Ergo. He loves it!! But, they did look VERY big.
Ha! How great! Definitely something to keep.
We started with a baby bjorn...what a waste! Eli grew out of it after our first visit trip! We moved on to the ergo and LOVED it! We also used it in Guatemala and when Eli first came home. But, we gave it to another family that is still waiting.
I also LOVE that you and Nonnie are in the pictures!! :)
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