Move people!!
Here comes the TRAIN!!!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Our First Train Ride!
Posted by Donna at 9:11 AM 5 comments
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
First Dentist Visit...
Three years old...that means lets go check out those pearly whites!Austin, my big boy, just hopped right up and even started helping out...
Posted by Donna at 8:54 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The Twin Thing.
Last month the "Twin group" I belong to had a panel of adult twins for us to talk to. Here is the information that I took away from the panel.
Separate them at school - Oddly not a dominate twin thing, but a "teachers treat twins as one child thing." Interesting.
They all said that their twin was their "Best friend, closest friend' and that dating (sharing the twin with another) was the toughest part of being a twin.
Here was one of my questions:
"Matching clothes...I've been trying to buy more non-matching outfits, but I've run into a new problem - if I buy a Monkey shirt and a Bear shirt - inevitably, they both want the monkey shirt! So, looking back do you have harsh feelings about being dressed a like?"
I was very surprised at the answer as I have always thought that Austin and Logan would one day fuss at me for the all the matching.
But 4 sets of twins said: "Dress them alike - it's fine, it's fun. They'll start dressing themselves differently in school."
My other question was about spending "Alone time with each parent"? "Do you wish you had had more alone time with your parents? Was it important?" Again, I was surprised with the answers. They all seemed to think that was not so important. It was MORE important, they said, for the parents to have individual relationships with each child. Not group the days' school problems with both children, etc. Makes sense to me!
Overall, they all seemed to really, really love being a twin. The identicals' major complaint was people not bothering getting to know them separately. Calling them a combo of their two names and basically treating them as "One."
They all said growing up they had some same friends and some "singleton"/not-shared friends. Some shared interest, and some different interests.
Being born first, being the oldest was a really big deal - to the one born second!! lol! And I get asked that ALL the time.
One set of identical girls said they while they were living apart (in different cities), they sent their mother the SAME Mother's Day card 9 years in a row! And their Grandmother, the same card twice.
Overall, it was a really neat panel and I enjoyed hearing all the stories and gathering all the information from the been there/done that view of life as adult twins. Kinda like seeing my/our future!
Posted by Donna at 3:14 PM 2 comments
Monday, May 18, 2009
I've Been With God...
Austin walked into the living room while we were watching American Idol last week and stated, "Momma I've been hanging out with God." As if he hadn't just made an unusual comment, he hops up on the couch and starts watching AI with us.
Me: "Oh. Really?"
Logan (who had already been sitting with Daddy and me) helps explain: "Yes, Momma. Remember, like in Guatemala."
Me (no longer watching AI): "Guatemala?"
Logan: "Yes, I used to be with God before I was with you."
Me: "Oh."
The room is now silent and I am digesting this information.
Austin still watching AI chimes back in with a "rememerbing chuckle": "Mom - I had SO much fun with God."
Logan also still watching AI agrees with a "remembering chuckle/sigh": "Yeah."
Posted by Donna at 3:50 PM 7 comments
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Big Brothers!
Ever since Evan's girlfriend didn't realize what a good thing she had, we've had Evan around the house a lot more and we're loving it!!!
Here's how most afternoon's are spent.
And my favorite, my absolute favorite moment of the day.... was when all four boys "jumped"
to Logan's rescue!
Posted by Donna at 8:00 AM 5 comments
Monday, May 4, 2009
Party Time!
Our birthday rounds started back in February. Seems like every weekend the twins and I have been to at least one if not two parties. So, believe me, there were geared up and ready by the time theirs rolled around! It's a wonder they even went to sleep the night before!!
Dressing themselves for the day in their current obsession - their Number Basketball shirts. Such a hit, we had to have two shirts each. Logan cries when his goes in the wash and he's been known to steal, er...borrow Austin's number until he gets his back. Logan also insisted on wearing "basketball" socks - ones that go all the way up to the knees...while Austin preferred his new "frog" socks (THANKS, TRACEY!) and lastly, to complete the outfit, "basketball" shoes which look a LOT like their winter boots, but Logan insisted they were not. They were just like basketball shoes (the high top black ones his older brother, Evan wears!). I figure you should be allowed to dress yourself on your very special birthday party day! Right? No matter how silly you may look. lol This is their 2nd annual picture in front of their very own special birthday tree.
...and last year's pic just to compare - grown a little, eh?
"The Van"
Our fellow gold medalist, Bryan!
Showcasin' Gary's great landscaping!

Incoming (...Birthday cakes, that is!)!!
Backyardians, of course!! Their absolute favorite show in the world!
Logan a little overwhelmed...
My house. My rules. And in my house, EVERYBODY gets their OWN very special birthday cake. Even if it is the exact same cake. And everybody deserves their own Happy Birthday song. Am I right? ....They seem to think so! ;-)
Logan and Van assisted Austin in the blowing out of his candles - he is still a little gun shy around fire ever since last years' "Mom forgot to stop the boy from touching his candle after he blew it out-OUCH!" incident.Hangin' with Miss Emily!
If you had asked Austin and Logan what they were getting for their birthday, their answer would a LOUD unanimous - "SCOOTERS!! " And Nonnie delivered!
Posted by Donna at 7:40 PM 11 comments