Getting ready for the Big Man....pouring him a glass of milk...
Writing him letters, "Dear Santa I want stickers and Diego back packs. I love you."
Singing "Happy Birthday" to Baby Jesus.
Night-night Baby Jesus.
Hanging up their stockings...
And then - the big day! Coming downstairs...(We're SO lucky that they like to sleep in. Christmas morning didn't start until 9:00 AM for us!). When the woke up, they heard everybody talking downstairs and said, "Santa's here!!" Ugh, Not quite - Santa came, but Santa's not here. He brought you presents and then had to go deliver more.

Santa brought us a train table! Woo-hoo!! Seriously, Christmas could have ended right here! At least for Austin it could have. Logan had to carry the weight of opening most of the presents!
"Hey - Santa ate the cookies! And the reindeer ate their carrots!"
"I got Bubbles in my stocking!"
Opening their "big" gift - Deigo Rescue back packs:
Below is a great little story - see all the people laughing...

During an insane moment, I thought it would be neat if the boys went Christmas shopping for everyone. So a few days before Christmas (I wanted it to be fresh in their minds), we went to the Dollar Store. Truth be told, this is an idea I've taken from my best friend, Anne who thankfully joined us with her three children on our shopping trip. Both Austin and Logan carried a basket and I'ld say, "Okay - find a 'prize" ('prize = surprise = present) for Nonnie." And luckily one of them would always hold up something for that person and out it in their basket. Midway through our shopping trip, we had to sit down (amidst the chaos of the Dollar Store) and I completely emptied their 'overflowing' baskets and as I put items back
in, I'ld say, "Okay - who is
this for?" Mason. "And
this?" Daddy. etc. However, I also got a lot of "Me! It's mine ga-prize!"
During the day on Christmas Eve, I pulled out all the presents and together we "wrapped" them - in easy to fill bags. I held up all the gifts again and they pretty much stuck to their original purchases. "Who's this for?" Uncle Barney.
So, during a lull Christmas morning, Austin and Logan distributed their gifts, "Merry Christmas, Patsy." "Merry Christmas, Lory!" and I told everyone that Austin and Logan hand picked their gifts.
Needless to say, there was much laughter as these gifts did come from the Dollar Store. I wish I had taken more pictures. Mason got a Monkey face puzzle, Nonnie got a pretty note pad. Patsy was supposed to get pretty smelly stuff, but when Lory opened up her plastic pig, Austin snagged it and said, "NO - that's Patsy's!" and made them switch. One of the funniest gifts was my brother Mitch's - a nice blue hat!

Anyway, I thought it was a pretty cool tradition that we'll keep for future years!
Overall, Christmas this year was a very good, nice day. We stayed put (despite Evan's outcry of "What, we're NOT going to Grandma's (Nonnie's)!?! We go there EVERY year!). It was just easier and more relaxing not to have to pick up and move everything midday. We had a nice big brunch. A long, leisurely day and Austin and Logan really spent the whole day just playing with and opening presents. It was just wonderful!