This is the house we rented:

Posted by Donna at 2:31 PM 13 comments
Yay! We're on vacation!!
Here's a few pictures from our 6am start.
"So confused. One minute, sleepin' - next minute we're in the car." "We'll just go back to sleep. Hey - was this the plan all along!?! Those smart parents of ours!"
"Dang, we're up and we're STILL in a car. Oh, we get to watch a video, though. Cool."
First time on the beach. "That is the LOUDEST bathtub we have ever seen, Momma. Hold ME!"
"Okay, if all our peeps/heroes are gonna do it, we will too."
My brother, Mitch and Austin strollin'.
Logan wearing Evan's hat over his hood.
Austin and Logan in the raft!!
Quick video of Mason and Evan "jammin' in the car on the way down" and then Austin and Logan SWIMMING!" This is with only 6 -30minute sessions. I think we'll be signing them up again when we get home.
I may try to post one more time while we're here. If not, yall have a great week and I'll be back to "commenting" into a week!
Posted by Donna at 7:30 AM 15 comments
Go get yourself a bucket of popcorn, turn up the volume on your computer and get ready to watching to dancing fools!!
Austin and Logan LOVE Hi-5. As I've mentioned before, A and L first discovered Hi-5 in Guatemala. We've found it here on Discovery Channel and can watch episodes anytime On Demand.
For some reason, we have gotten stuck on this one episode called, "TEAMS." The five Hi-5 performers are dressed like cheerleaders and sing a song. Austin and Logan ask for "Teams" or "Go, go, go" ALL DAY LONG.
In the following Montage, you can see their dancing skills, expert use of Pom Pom's (bought for Evan's basketball games), their growing vocabulary and even a Spanish word or two!
Posted by Donna at 12:37 AM 12 comments
Hey everybody - I would like to introduce you to my friend, Tracey. Tracey and I met two years ago through our mutual friend, Gena. Together, we have shared the road to adoption.
And FINALLY, Tracey and her husband Scott are leaving this Thursday for CHINA to pick up their son, Van!! Van is exactly one month older than Austin and Logan and we are SO EXCITED !!!
Tracey just created her blog this weekend for their pick-up trip. Remember that round-the-clock excitement of packing and getting ready to leave on a voyage that will change your life forever!?!
How about visiting her brand new blog and showing her some love and well wishes as she prepares for her journey, be sure and tell her I sent you!!
Tracey - if you've had time to stop by and read this, "You're crazy! Get to packin' girl!"
Posted by Donna at 4:50 PM 4 comments
Happy Mother's Day, Nonnie!
Posted by Donna at 9:26 AM 8 comments
Many of you have gotten sand/water tables for your children. Austin and Logan love water, too. So, I was really excited when I realized we already HAD a water table. I pulled it out the other day when the temperatures soared and the boys had a blast:
At first, they started out "swimming" their fishies in it. Then, other toys joined in. Then, for some reason they thought putting their feet in would be fun.
That quickly turned into an all out, full body soaking.
Posted by Donna at 11:53 PM 6 comments
Posted by Donna at 8:27 AM 0 comments
Okay, I was working on a really big, deep, thought provoking post - the kind that comes with spending the first birthday with your sons, but the week is getting away from me, so I'll just post a few more pictures from Tuesday.
Here are the boys in front of their tree. Last year, when they weren't home, we decided to give them some roots in Virginia by planting a Dogwood tree for them.Their tree being planted on their birthday in 2007.
"There were lots of kids and we even got to run around and play when some of our friends joined us."
"But we will share a little warning with all you other kids that read our blog. We heard Mommy and Daddy ask for some free birthday ice cream, which sounded really good to us. But what we got instead was about twelve men and women all dressed in black showing up out of nowhere, marching right up to the table and yelling and clapping at us very, very loudly. We were expecting ice cream, so this was incredibly scary. They might have been singing, we're not sure, it was hard to hear them over our screaming. It was all very chaotic. SO, if you ever hear your parents ask for "free ice cream" at a restaurant and it's your birthday. RUN!!"
Thanks for all the special birthday messages!! You guys are awesome!
Posted by Donna at 7:25 AM 12 comments