Despite my thinking there's just something creepy about Alec Bladwin's voice on Thomas the Train (anyone else?), my children love the show. Austin especially is a HUGE train fanatic.
Coincidentally, a small town near us, Ashland, is celebrating it's 150th Anniversary this year. And last Saturday was Train Day.
So, Nonnie, Lori (my future daughter-in-law and only other estoogen provider in my house) were very excited to take the boys to train day.
What a cute little town....and it was a gorgeous day.

Look at these faces....could they be any more excited!?!

hmm, or not?
This is how close the trains come through the town...
Pretty cool, huh?
Or not....

I mean, why does everybody look SO pissed? I feel like this shot could have been taken outside of a Jerry Springer show....
Okay, here comes another train!

Clearly catching on to the excitement of the day!?!

Not so much!?!
Okay, we waited in line for this - how exciting! - A train ride with Nonnie! Smile!

Pleeze smile for Momma, boy?

Wait for it....

Finally.....some frickin' enthusiasm!! Thanks, Nonnie!
Here's a close up in case you missed the only excitement shown that day....

Okay, let's try the library, they have lots of cool trains in there.

Austin, look at Mommy - smile!
Just a little smile?

Logan, honey - do you have a smile for Mommy?

Nope - but I'll show you these cool trains, Mom!

Totally posin' - but it IS nice to see a smile or two!

Logan getting his ticket from Sir Top'Em Hats.

But when Austin went to get his ticket, he was actually
denied at first, because he supposedly "already had a ticket." Until Mommy stepped in....he doesn't have a ticket, uh - they're
twins. Clearly not the most observant Mr. Sit Top-Em Hats. I mean duh - they ARE wearing different colored shoes!


Mr. Sir Top'Em Hat trying to redeem himself.

They're not so easily forgiving.

Neither is Lory.
Last stop - model trains!


They got to hit buttons that made all sorts of stuff happen on the table.

Time to put our tickets away and call it a day!
Despite the pictures, it was actually a pretty fun day...both boys seem to get a little quiet when so much new stuff is going on. They tend to get wide eyed and just sort of take it all in. They have been asking for more "big trains" ever since that day and they're really hoping Santa will bring them a train set!