We were not even expecting them, but the boys went to the doctor again on Friday (June 23rd) and we got another medical update with pictures! Both boys are doing well and are in good health. Austin now weighs 8.5 lbs (and is 52 centimeters) and Logan weighs 7.7 lbs – he’s closing that 1 lb gap! They also got their polio vaccine/shot.
Monday, June 26, 2006
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
What a busy week! Gary and I had lots of paperwork to finish. We finally sat down last night and discussed names for the boys. Cristofer Alexander will become Logan Cristofer and Cristofer Josue will be Austin Cristofer. Austin and Logan.
Posted by Donna at 10:44 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 7, 2006
Almost live!
I stopped by the agency to pick up our video of the boys!! The video was actually taken on the same day that we got their first pictures ( June 2nd). The boys are 32 days old and Cristofer Alexander now weighs 5lbs and Cristofer Josue weighs 6lbs. They’re doing great under their Foster Mother’s love and care! I took the video to Mom’s work and we all watched it on their big screen in the conference room. They really do look like angels today. SO sweet!
Posted by Donna at 10:44 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 6, 2006
First Doctor's Visit!
Lisa (our case worker) sent us additional medical pictures (from their first doctor’s visit) and their birth certificates.
Cristofer Alexander was born on April 29, 2006 at 6:45 PM and Cristofer Josue (pronounced like Jose, but with a whey so it sounds like “ho-zwey”) was born at 6:46 PM. They were born prematurely, but we don’t know how early yet. We also do not know their birth weights. They spent the first three weeks of their lives in the hospital, then were released into their Foster Mother’s care. They had their first doctor’s appointments when they were three weeks old.
At that time, Cristofer Alexander weighed 4 lbs 10 oz. and was 42.2 centimeters long.

I sure am bundled up!!
Posted by Donna at 10:45 PM 1 comments
Friday, June 2, 2006
The beginning...
"Lisa - our case worker (who works w/ Mom and Dad) came to Guatemala and got to hold us! She says we are SO sweet and are just ANGELS!"
Posted by Donna at 5:15 PM 0 comments