Sunday, August 28, 2011

Earthquakes and Hurricanes!

Without going into too much detail about our exact location, we'll just say we were very, very close to the epicenter of the 5.8 earthquake that shook most of the East Coast last Tuesday.

I was at work, 2nd floor, in a rather older building and we shook for a good 40 - 50 seconds. 
In fact, longer if you count the good 20+ seconds we were still shaking once we ran out into the streets.
Which was really weird because everyone else emptied their shops and came running out of the buildings, too... 
(I know, you are supposed to stay IN the buildings, but these are really, really old buildings!  lol)
and once we hit the streets, the pedestrians and the people in cars all looked at us like we were crazy...
because they hadn't felt anything.
Which apparently is true - if your ever in an Earthquake and walking on the street or driving, you won't feel a can file that away as completely un-useful information.

Anyway, I raced back upstairs to start calling all my kids, my family, etc -
and the phone lines were DOWN.
And of course, the news wasn't reporting anything 5 seconds after the earthquake, but we had NO idea if any parts of the area had had any structural damage, or any other disasters that can come with an earthquake.
Eventually, all people were present and accounted for.
Nonnie was at our house with the twins - when things started shaking up there.
Logan was on the stairs and bless his heart, flew down them, slipped off the last step and started crying just out of fear. Austin was upstairs in his room with the two 14 year old baseball players we were hosting for the week (hopefully, future post coming about that great experience!).  Austin stayed calm, because I think the two ball players stayed calm - because they had no idea what was going on!
Evan was across the street at his girlfriends place and lots of shaking and things falling off the walls over there.

Nonnie said she spent the rest of day answering questions about earthquakes and that Austin and Logan were afraid the earth was going to open up and eat them. ;-(

Within the next 24 hours - we had about 4 - 6 aftershocks.  One basically felt like another earthquake at 4.8.
It's weird some people feel the aftershocks, some don't.
I have felt them all - even if it's just my stomache getting flipping and whoozy, like I'm on a roller coaster.  Then, I turn on the news (read: check Facebook) and see that we've had another aftershock.

I can't begin to describe how weird it feels to have the earth rumbling and shaking you around. 
How loud it is! 
How unrattling to your senses and nerves it is. 
It's just yuck! 
All of it.
Hope that's the last of it for another 100 years or so!

Last week, basically went like this,
Aftershock. Aftershock. Aftershock.
Our beloved baseball players leave.
Evan leaves for college. 
And Hurricane Irene arrives. 

We were not in an evacuation area.
But we were a direct hit.
So, 14+ hours of rain, rain, rain.
and wind, wind, wind!
And then no power.
And then trees bending, bending, bending.
And falling.

Thankfully, we ALL survived.
And other than lots of tree branches and leaves down,
all is well. 

No picturees of the earthquakes, but I did take a few during Irene's visit!
We left to get Nonnie because she lost power really early.  I think her power lines just heard "Hurricane" and fell or something. ;-)
This is how we roll during a hurricane: carseats, table stands, blankets, noodle bowls and a movie.

We kept discussing the fear of trees falling into our homes and ever the practical and creative solution duo - they donned helmets to protect themselves!  Smart thinking, boys!

 Irene's debris.
 Boo Irene!

But the next picture shows just how much my hubby loves me!
Because even without power, he knows...
 "Baby needs her coffee in the morning!"

Bed for five!
We had to sleep downstairs, hoping that the roof and 2nd floor would "stop" a tree if it fell on the house!
Some of the trees that fell around town:
 This one luckily fell away from a house, but it blocked a road for days!

This one fell BETWEEN two houses!
Many, mnay houses were damaged during the storm, but amazingly not as many accidents or deaths.
God is Good!!

So what do you do to fill the adrenaline void after survinging two natural diasters? 
Well, I'm afraid the worst of all is coming our way!
It is now T-minus 7 days of attempting to get the twins down to bed earlier than....
(oh, lets keep it ra'yeel here, peeps)
and try to migrate them to a more respectable bedtime of
what, 8ish?  7:30?
What the....?

But my sleeping beauties, who normally don't rise and shine until 9ish,
will find their cute little butts at the bus stop at 7:05am next Monday morning!
Now THAT - I'm very, very AFRAID of! 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Oh Boy! Do we LOVE going to root our local baseball team on!

Here's a "not the best picture in the world" pic of me and the boys.
(But hey, as like with all moms-who-are-usually behind-the-camera-and not in-front, 
I'll take my pics when I can get them!)
We were DRIPPING in sweat!! 
Notice Gary behind us drinking a CAFFINATED soda!  
I think i broke my steadfast rule and let the boys have a sip anyway!

Luckily for us, it rained during the game and after one or two loud claps of thunder, 85% of the ballpark emptied out!
Excellent for us, cuz we scooted right on down smack dab in the middle of the ballpark!

Yep: Dugout. Our (new) seats.  Nothing in between!  Awesome!

Our new seats even earned the boys a broken bat, handed over the dugout roof from the ballplayer it previously belonged too!  Very.  Very exciting! 

Our very own matching-the-mascot capes, a generous gift from Van and Zak's Nanie!

My handsome little boys!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Oh Lawd!

Logan is currently obsessed with babies.  Or rather with pregnant women!  Specifically the BELLY!
He inundates me with questions daily - how can the babies eat in there?  How does the mommy sleep?  do the babies get squished? 

The other night, Van and Zak's  Aunt Christina joined us at the ballpark.  Aunt Christina is about 8 months pregnant!  So, during the game, Logan was loaded with questions!

While we were walking around the stadium stretching our legs, he was holding my hand and looked up at me, "Mommy, but how does the baby GET IN the belly?"


"Um, well, it takes a boy and a girl, honey, to make a baby.  That's the way God does it."

Looking up at me, he grins and says, "I KNOW how it happens, Mommy!"


"Um, okay.  How Logan?"

"Mommy, I think the boy and the girl just have to hug for a long time and that's how the baby is made."

Um, okay - yeah, I'll go with that.

"You know what baby?  I think you're absolutely right!"

(Me, swiping brow in a "I just dodged a bullet on that one!" sigh of relief!)


Later, back in our seats, we were cheering on our team.  Me standing.  Logan standing in his seat with his arms around my waist.  He squeezes me tight.  I look down, he's smiling at me.  I leaned down to give him a kiss and in my ear, he whispers....

"Mommy?  Did we just make a baby!?"


Monday, August 8, 2011

Oh - the joy!

You would think by now that I would be used to my childrens' wild ways and wild antics.  
But, I admit....I did not see this one coming. 

Maybe because I only had one child (Austin) with me, 
Maybe my defenses were down.  

Anyway, here's the story:

Austin and I were shopping at a wholesale club.  And I don't know what it is about shopping (anywhere), that seems to generate the need for my children to use the restroom - multiple times!  
But, three pee trips later - the last one being a mad dash AS we were being CHECKED out, we were finally headed to the parking lot.  
Austin - who still doesn't fully p*ll down his p*nts, but only pulls the front down in minimal effort, states that he peed on himself some.  
"That's okay," I said, "We're heading straight home."   
He hopped in the back of the car and I loaded all of the groceries in the trunk.  

We start heading home.  
Austin chatting away - sometimes to me.  Sometimes, just chatting in general.  
This child is especially fond of potty talk.  
So, most of what he says - I ignore.   
The trip home is about 5-6 miles.  
As we pull onto our street, 
Austin says, "Hmm. I wonder why me belly button looks like this?"    
This is where I become curious 
- potty talk I am used to, but exactly what is going on 
that he is looking at or can even see his belly his in car seat.  

So, I turn around....and see

a N*KED BOY in my car!  
Yes, Austin had decided he did NOT want to ride home in wet clothes.  
That he would rather ride home N*KED!

Did I mention we were not in my big ole' van, the one with the tinted windows?  
I was actually driving my mom's Camry - 
you know, a nice little four door without tinted windows 
- that everyone can clearly SEE into!?!  
Lord knows what anyone thought 
at any of the THREE stoplights I hit during our drive.
It's a wonder the police didn't follow us home!!

Do I really need to add:
"Make sure children are wearing ALL of their clothes"
before I drive anywhere!?!

Oh, The Joy!  The Joy!